
Welcome to my learning nerd website! I share about instructional design, designing online learning experiences, and higher education. My purpose is to help you along your own instructional design journey.

Ep-16 Ryan Ivers - Writing a Dissertation During a Pandemic

Writing my dissertation was the hardest challenge I’ve ever faced. The only way I was able to finish it was to make my writing time the number one priority in my life. I can’t imagine trying to complete a PhD during a pandemic, but some doctoral students are doing this right now.

  • How have they able to focus on their work?

  • How have they adjusted their schedules?

  • What pieces of advice would they give to other doctoral students?

Joining us today is Ryan Ivers, a doctoral candidate at Northeastern University. He’s projected to finish in 2021 and I had to pick his brain to hear exactly how he’s managed to stay on track. If you’re in a doctoral program, this episode is for you.

Links mentioned on the show:

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Want to take your higher education instructional design skills to the next level? Check out Instructional Design Institute.

Recording a podcast or conducting interviews online? Check out SquadCast.

Do you want to become a corporate instructional designer? Check out Idol Courses Academy!

Guest Podcast - BLOC Podcast

EP-15 Dr. Aaron Kessler - The Learning Engineering Process